Friday 12 July 2013

Why Asking for Help Can Be the Best Decision: Steven Marshank Discusses What He Has Learned Consulting

As a consultant, Steven Marshank understands how important it can be to ask for help when it’s needed. While Steven Marshank’s work steers him towards businesses in need of help, Steven Marshank encourages individuals to take the same mindset. Steven Marshank understands that no one knows it all. People have experience in a range of situations, and Steven Marshank uses his to help those who might be treading in unfamiliar territory. 

While failure can be a character building experience, Steven Marshank also reminds people that failing when help is available is unnecessary. Steven Marshank reminds people that no one person has all the knowledge or experience to succeed at every endeavor. This is true for entrepreneurs, but also for anyone else as well. 

Steven Marshank says that asking for help doesn’t just help businesses and people in the moment, but also allows them to learn as well. Steven Marshank says that instead of having to learn from making mistakes, by asking for help, you can learn without having to make the original mistake. Steven Marshank says that he is proud of the work that he can do with entrepreneurs to help them keep from making the mistakes that cause many small businesses to fail in their first years.

Steven Marshank encourages people to ask for help. For every situation that they might need help in, there is also an opportunity for them to offer it. People should be open to learning without having to make mistakes, and to take what they can from the experience of others. 

Steven Marshank encourages people to both ask for and offer help to others. Living in the most cooperative world is something that can be extremely beneficial to us all. Steven Marshank makes his passion for helping others his career, and works toward that every single day.

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